Hagley Art Club 35th Annual Exhibition November 22nd, 23rd & 24th

Former Wolves player , turned professional artist to open Hagley Art Club 35th Annual Exhibition
August 2024 (as appearing in Hagley Village News)
Summer is in full swing (I think! ) and although the weatherr is being unpredictable as usual, the Art Club is at least predictably offering another quality demonstration in August with Kirsty Trope, a traditional fine artist, who will be demonstrating animals in watercolour.
Other than that we have had an exhibition at Russells Hall Hospital and manned a very successful card, craft and unframed paintings stall at the Summer Fun Day
We have an exhibition coming this month at St George’s Hall Bewdley from Monday 19th August until 16th Monday 16th September, open to all members
September News (as appearing in Hagley Village News)
Surely it can’t be September already!
It’s a strange month, through an artist’s eyes, usually still warm and occassionaly even hot and summery. And although the colour and ripeness of the late summer is there, the hint of autumn is in the air
Anyway, what are we up to this month?
We are really fortunate to have the very popular Ian Ridley, demonstrating Woodland Watercolour
October News 2024
It’s October and time for members to start looking forward to our exhibition in November. Our Appraisal on October 14th is part of the process where a local artist, this year, John Maude Ffinch, casts an eye over potential entries.
The Annual Exhibition is the club’s big event, where we can put up for sale our artwork, which means not just big framed paintings but also smaller and cheaper unframed pieces, cards and crafts;a perfect opportunity for original and unique Christmas cards and gifts.
The Exhibition is later this year on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th November and will be opened by Jody Craddock, artist and former Wolves professional football now turned portrait, graphic and photo-realistic artist.
November News 2024

So, at last ‘November arrives and with it, the highlight of Hagley Art Club’s year, the Annual Exhibition
It takes place on the weekend of the 2znd, 23rd and 24th November at Hagley Community Centre and showcases members’ work from the last year, and includes framed and unframed original paintings, cards and craft items.
The Exhibition will be opened on Friday night by professional footballer and artist Jody Craddock.
Full details in poster above
June News Update
(As appearing in Hagley Village News)
So we’re galloping apace towards the summer with our programme starting in June with An Introduction to Landscapes in Acrylics with Adrian Clamp. Adrian came to us last year showing us how to develop a portrait in charcoal, so this is bound to be as impressive.
We had our second “ sketch out” at the end of April on a glorious sunny day at Lakeside, Withymoor, hosted by Hazel Gilliard, with beautiful views of the lake and glorious grassy mounds and daisies, accompanied by mallards and squawking Canadian Geese.
Next “Sketch Out” Saturday, June 24th venue and times to be posted on Facebook
And remember if for some reason you find yourself having to visit Russells Hall Hospital, be encouraged by the club’s exhibition in the main corridor from 14th May until 12th June

May 2023 (as seen in Hagley Village News)
It seems unbelievable that it could be May already but here it is!
April will have seen the second of our fabulous abstract workshops with Kinver based artist Marie Roberts and an Easter Monday watercolour demostration from John Maule Ffinch.
We also had several of our members exhibiting at Himley Hall’s recent Art and Artisan Food Festival.
May will see another oil artist Dianne Marshall with another favourite, animals
At our members’ request we are introducing more practical sessions as well as professional demostrators and kicked this off with our first en plein session at Trinity Farm. It was cold, but there were still some brave souls there. Hopefully more at the next one.
This is going to be a feature, the last Saturday of the month, and possibly specific sketching opportunities on demonstration evenings: times and venues will be advertised on our Facebook page
Remember new members are always welcome
Contact us at hagleyartclub583@gmail.com or turn up at Hagley Community Centre 2nd Monday of every month 7.30 start. (£5 guest fee) If you love all things arty you won’t regret it
Why not join at £25 per year and a small entrance fee, we are incredible value without compromising on the calibre of visiting artists.-
Sallie Gurney
Website Editor