July News Update
(as appearing in Hagley Village News)
July 2023 demonstration is as far removed from June’s offering of Adrian Clamp’s Acrylics Landscapes as it can be, as we have Ray Blundell demonstrating his vibrant expressive urban scenes in watercolour. Ray ran an amazing workshop for us last year, but you need to put your skates on to keep up with him, it’s fast and furious.
Please note we have an exhibition at Bewdley, St Georges Hall DY12 2EQ 6th June to 3rd July
Next “Sketch Out” Saturday, July 29th venue and times to be posted on Facebook
Contact us at hagleyartclub583@gmail.com or turn up at Hagley Community Centre 2nd
Monday of every month 7.30 pm start. (£5 guest fee) If you love all things arty you won’t regret
it. Why not join at £25 per year and a small entrance fee, which includes a raffle ticket, we are incredible value without compromising on the calibre of visiting artists
Sallie Gurney – Website Editor